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Friday, January 29, 2010

Meeting updates

To our great regret, we have had to cancel both of this weekend's gatherings. Why?
  • Snow is coming yet again (this isn't the Richmond I remember), and even though it still may not be prohibitive,
  • Packing is upon us to get ready to leave the state on time, and Diana is feeling pretty overwhelmed and exhausted from all the moving around; time to be a good husband.
  • Simon is sick.
  • A situation has come up with Diana's family that we have to respond to.
Is this a spiritual attack? Yes. It seems to be an attempt to thwart connecting with people in Richmond, and to wear Diana out, and thus her capacity to serve long-term. I refuse to accept defeat, and we are not close by any means, but I don't want to tolerate even small victories by the enemy. We're feeling pretty taxed at this point and ready to get home in Russia. Prayers welcome.