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Saturday, September 3, 2011

Her eyes shone with joy

Inna shared this testimony with me recently about a breakthrough in the life of one of the people she ministers to.

Kate is a young Christian woman, who lives most of the time in another country. She attended our church recently, and a friend advised her to contact me. After a serious illness she became debilitated. At an overseas hospital she received psychological and counseling help. 

Kate has a very serious and responsible approach to our sessions and quickly grasped the principles of prayer ministry. Because of the nature of traumatic events in childhood, she often can get distracted or switch the topic to current events in her life during our sessions. Improper rearing and abuse as a child led to a relationship with her mother in which Kate felt like a little kid, though she is responsible as an adult. 

During our first meeting, Kate said she was afraid of encounters with her mother during telephone conversations. But over time the Lord has consistently revealed the false beliefs associated with the relationship with her mother and replaced them with His truth. Now by her own testimony, Katie has more confidence in telephone conversations with her mother, and her mother has to reckon with Katya's beliefs. During the fifth session, Kate had an amazing revelation: she needed to ask the Lord to bless her into adulthood! After we prayed, her eyes simply shone with joy. I am grateful to God for the changes that are occurring in Katie's life and the chance to touch His glory!

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